Tech Business Attorneys in New Jersey & New York
Serving Clients in NYC & Across Northern New Jersey
Tech lawyers often focus their practice in either transactional or litigation areas of business law. M. Ross & Associates, LLC is unique in that we have considerable experience practicing both transactional and litigation law for businesses throughout New York City, Bergen County and northern New Jersey. Our understanding of both areas not only expands the range of legal services we can offer to tech businesses, it also lends us a competitive advantage in better anticipating the needs of our clients thanks to the range of our knowledge.
We understand the features that distinguish tech businesses from other companies and are equipped to assist you in numerous areas specific to your industry. In addition to our aforementioned litigation and transactional services, our New Jersey tech business lawyers can assist you in intellectual property protection and disputes as well as compliance counseling.
If your tech company requires any type of legal services, request a consultation to see how our team can help. Dial (201) 897-4942 or contact us online today.
Intellectual Property Protection
Tech companies are built on the trade secrets and proprietary information that make their products and services competitive. We understand the tremendous value this intellectual property represents to your business and the devastating consequences should proprietary information fall into the hands of a competitor. That is why it is essential that your company take the steps necessary to protect its proprietary information. This includes registering your intellectual property and also taking decisive legal action should your intellectual property be misused.
Our team will perform an exhaustive review of the intellectual property that drives your business and establish what steps need to be taken to ensure its protection. This might mean copyrighting or trademarking intellectual property and taking proactive steps to defend those copyrights or trademarks if they are violated by competitors. It also might mean updating your company’s employment agreements to include additional nondisclosure and noncompete language.
While it is important to foster faith in your team, poaching is common in the tech sector, and you want to avoid a scenario where an employee leaves your business for a competitor with proprietary information in tow. The use of a restrictive covenant agreement can help regulate how much time passes before an employee can be hired by a competitor. It can also be used prohibit the misuse and reliance upon confidential and proprietary information acquired by their tenure with your company.

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